Smart money moves for strong financial futures

We’re not just about the numbers—we’re about the people behind them. That’s why we’ve made it easy to handle all of your financial needs, all in one place. Whether it’s protecting your hard-earned assets, finding the insurance that fits like a glove, or navigating the tax maze with finesse, we’ve got your back every step of the way.

Who We Work With

Whether you’re an individual planning for retirement, a medical professional seeking financial guidance, an independent contractor looking to secure your future, or a business aiming to optimize your financial strategy, our tailored strategies are designed to help you thrive at every stage of life.

  • “Noel has an ability to really connect with people and understand them quickly - not everyone has that. He has a variety of life experiences that he shares when we chat, and it makes me feel like he really understands us and what we are going through. I rely on Noel to make me feel comfortable with the future, because I'm a nervous person about finances…. My husband relies on Noel to do that for me too!”

  • “I received Doug’s contact information from Noel Roach over 15 years ago and was impressed with Doug’s attentiveness and his patience in explaining the intricacies of taxes and accounting to someone that can barely spell “IRS.”  When I started my own business nearly a decade ago, there was no other choice than to hire Doug to do our corporate accounting.”

  • "When people ask me about who helps me with planning my future, I always say “this really nice guy who is easy to talk to, really smart at what he does, and really hears and understands what we want for our future”.

  • “In my situation Noel kept the communication on what my life goals were (eg 1st house, payoff debt, retirement, college, etc.), and not the actual cash. I can follow numbers, but I needed someone who could translate his skill set into my expertise, and Noel did that in an exemplary fashion.”

  • “I started working with Doug in 1991 when I opened my own business. His knowledge of the tax code is truly extensive, and I don't feel there is a question that I ask that he doesn't know the answer to. If there is some hesitation or clarification needed, he spends the time getting the correct answer.”

  • “In my experiences with Noel over close to 15 years, the one thing that he does extremely well is to communicate clearly, honestly, and directly. This skill may not be entirely “unique” per se, but Noel has a natural talent for it, and he has continued to foster it over our relationship. Connecting with one’s audience (whether technical, emotional, etc.) and knowing when to listen are two of Noel’s strengths. He works in a complicated and technical business, but his audience can be upset, elated, or distraught, and Noel has a true gift for knowing how to reach his varied audience.”

  • “I have always felt that Doug's tax fees have been affordable for the work that is performed, and he doesn't nickel or dime his clients when a question arises. I have recommended him to some of my clients and family who needed an accountant, and they have been highly satisfied with his performance.”

Invest in your future today